D3.3 Systems Thinking Methodology – Generate the project system thinking framework

D3.3 Systems Thinking Methodology – Generate the project system thinking framework


Key Authors

  • Tuula Löytty
  • Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă
  • Lucian Tanasă

Co-authors: Mark Koetse, Justine Vanhalst, Kyriakos E. Georgiou, Edna Yamasaki, Demet Osmancelebioglu, Bruno da Silva, Sebastian Doboș, Kalle Karlsson

The purpose of the D3.3 Systems Thinking Methodology deliverable is to incorporate a precise framework for the implementation of methodological CRFS systems thinking and scenarios interventions about systems dynamics. The report is based on co-creation and innovation activities that aim at learning the issues of urban food systems starting from the stakeholders within these systems. If the methodology is built on the systems thinking approach, the philosophy behind this report rests on the idea that stakeholders are already in possession of a deep knowledge (yet in a latent state) of urban food systems and this dormant knowledge can be uncovered with the help of themes and narratives related to Urban Food Systems.

Reference: Löytty, T.; Dinu Vasiliu, C.; Brumă, I. S.; Tanasă, L.; Koetse, M.; Vanhalst, J.; Georgiou, K. E.; Yamasaki, E.; Osmancelebioglu, D.; SiIva, B.; Doboș, S.; Karlsson, K. CITIES2030 – D3.3 Systems Thinking Methodology; 2021,